If want to start a business to make some money but frustrated because have no idea what exactly you could do nor where to start, and maybe missing an idea or need incentive and encouragement, then look NO further. Here will review any possible business models!
So, what should I do to earn some additional money to improve my family budget?
Start e-commerce business! It is quite easy because you do not need essential amount of money to start. You don't need to think about office lease nor hire employees. That you can do from your own home in pyjamas. Actually your financial envolvment depends of what kind of business you may want. Here we will review some the fast and easy "no starting capital" e-business projects.
But in case you consider having your own hair salon instead of a virtual shop and looking for some advise, I have found very good site www.allbusiness.com. There are good videos and interviews with people who have their own businesses - family restorant or backery. They share what it is that keeps their business going on successfully and how they have changed personally during their business development. They say that merchants should stop doing all by themselves to develop the business as that was good for the beginning but then there was a time, when the owner had to learn trust and give responsibility away to inferiors. Yes, it
could be pitfall for people who like controlling everything. The site helps small and growing businesses save time and money by addressing real-world business questions and presenting practical solutions.
There is a lot of good tutorials on the site like Practical Guide to Starting a Business; Hiring Employees; Office Leases; Practical Guide to Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Trade Secrets; Startegic Aliances and Joint Ventures; Capital Financing and Agreements. The cost is $49.00 per guide.
Specially I like Women-Owned Business Videos here at http://www.allbusiness.com/3475616-1.html, there are several interviews with women. They tell about their home based business and how do they balancing their work and family.
It is a good idea to start a Service Business that you can do from your home. There are a lot of things to do like: bookkeeping, web design or if you like writting you can offer your talant to website owners through www.elance.com. They will be happy to pay you $8 or so per article. And you can do these jobs whenever you can.
So, we just began about non-virtual business here and get to the point that the most comfortable and maybe even the best business idea lately is business from your own home, with your computer.
Welcome to the board!